Be your best self.


A safe space, held for you, to process and get a new perspective in order to find a more fulfilling version of your life.

Six individual coaching sessions (each 1 hour in length)

Regular follow up sessions offer an opportunity to do so much more with the discoveries and insights that you discover. With accountability, your chances of experiencing actual change and greater fulfillment significantly increase. If you’re feeling unsatisfied with an aspect of your life but don’t know how to find the change you’re looking for, this is for you.

Dive Deep

Two individual coaching sessions (each one hour in length)

Working with a coach is getting support to find a new level of enjoyment, satisfaction, clarity and momentum. Most people end up "settling" or just “pushing through” at some point in their life. But what if there was another way? If you’re looking for fresh ideas and new perspective, coaching might be just what you need.

Perspective Shift

Intercultural Development

Gain practical knowledge about your specific cultural context to dive deep into effective communication.

Intercultural Development Inventory

A theory-based assessment of intercultural competence to find your place on the path of intercultural development.

One of the most widely used tools for Intercultural Development. A 15-minute online assessment places you on the Intercultural Development Continuum and a one time debrief session will help make sense of the results and find your next steps for greater awareness of cultural differences and similarities.

Transitions & Expat Life

Transition support and coaching paired with practical intercultural training provides an all inclusive transition package.

The most comprehensive and tailored-to-you guide for managing the stress of international transitions.

Your road map for each major milestone of living abroad. A library of on-demand videos and just-in-time guide book offers tools and strategies to confront the most common issues that expats face. Work through the modules on your own or be sure to make the most of it with one-on-one individualized support over 3-6 months.


Adapt and Succeed

A 6-month package to provide the best tools and support for your transition abroad.

This perfect solution for teams and individuals preparing to move abroad. Online Intercultural Effectiveness training is paired with personalized support to check off all your boxes and get you set up for a smooth transition. We support you before you leave, once you arrive and after you settle in to make sure you get a great start to your new life abroad. Don’t do this alone. Let us be your guide.

Transition Well

“A great catalyst for thinking introspectively about such a wide array of habits that will likely be challenged in a new context.”

camels in desert

— BIANCA, a Culture Dive client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.